Title: Gangster Films: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Reference to People, Films and Terms, Author: Michael L. Stephens
Title: Unless the Threat of Death Is Behind Them: Hard-Boiled Fiction and Film Noir, Author: John T. Irwin
Title: Hard-Boiled Sentimentality: The Secret History of American Crime Stories, Author: Leonard Cassuto
Title: The Dark Side of the Screen: Film Noir, Author: Foster Hirsch
Title: Rethinking the Femme Fatale in Film Noir: Ready for Her Close-Up, Author: J. Grossman
Title: Film Noir, American Workers, and Postwar Hollywood, Author: Dennis Broe
Title: Screening the Mafia: Masculinity, Ethnicity and Mobsters from The Godfather to The Sopranos, Author: George S. Larke-Walsh
Title: America Noir: Underground Writers and Filmmakers of the Postwar Era, Author: David Cochran
Title: A Long Hard Look at 'Psycho', Author: Raymond Durgnat
Title: Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and His Rendezvous with American History, Author: Yunte  Huang
Title: In Lonely Places: Film Noir Beyond the City, Author: Imogen Sara Smith
Title: The Ultimate Book of Gangster Movies: Featuring the 100 Greatest Gangster Films of All Time, Author: George Anastasia
Title: Screwball Comedy and Film Noir: Unexpected Connections, Author: Thomas C. Renzi
Title: Shock Value: How a Few Eccentric Outsiders Gave Us Nightmares, Conquered Hollywood, and Invented Modern Horror, Author: Jason Zinoman
Title: Pulp Fiction to Film Noir: The Great Depression and the Development of a Genre, Author: William Hare
Title: America Is Elsewhere: The Noir Tradition in the Age of Consumer Culture, Author: Erik Dussere
Title: Class, Crime and International Film Noir: Globalizing America's Dark Art, Author: D. Broe
Title: The Art of Noir: The Posters and Graphics from the Classic Era of Film Noir, Author: Eddie Muller
Title: Kiss the Blood Off My Hands: On Classic Film Noir, Author: Robert Miklitsch
Title: The Secret of Sarek, Author: Maurice LeBlanc

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