Title: Clubhouse Mysteries Super Sleuth Collection (Boxed Set): The Buried Bones Mystery; Lost in the Tunnel of Time; Shadows of Caesar's Creek; The Space Mission Adventure; The Backyard Animal Show; Stars and Sparks on Stage, Author: Sharon M. Draper
Title: The Seeds of America Trilogy (Boxed Set): Chains; Forge; Ashes, Author: Laurie Halse Anderson
Title: Gaither Sisters Trilogy Box Set: One Crazy Summer, P.S. Be Eleven, Gone Crazy in Alabama, Author: Rita Williams-Garcia
Title: New Kid and Class Act: The Box Set, Author: Jerry Craft
Title: Ryan Hart Paperback Box Set, Author: Renée Watson
Title: New Kid 3-Book Box Set: New Kid, Class Act, School Trip, Author: Jerry Craft
Title: Welcome to Eddie's World of Learning and Education: Environmental Eddie Let's Talk Series: Air Pollution, Author: Al Chaney