Title: Sojourner Truth, Author: Heather Moore Niver
Title: Malcolm X in His Own Words, Author: Sarah Machajewski
Title: Sojourner Truth: Equal Rights Advocate, Author: Kathleen Collins
Title: Frederick Douglass and the Abolitionist Movement, Author: Lynne Weiss
Title: When Rosa Parks Went Fishing, Author: Rachel Ruiz
Title: Jackie Robinson: Athletes Who Made a Difference, Author: Blake Hoena
Title: When Martin Luther King Jr. Wore Roller Skates, Author: Mark Weakland
Title: The Life and Death of Martin Luther King Jr., Author: Andrew Vietze
Title: Rosa Parks: Civil Rights Activist, Author: Avery Elizabeth Hurt
Title: Claudette Colvin Refuses to Move: Courageous Kid of the Civil Rights Movement, Author: Ebony Joy Wilkins
Title: The March on Washington, Author: L S Summer
Title: The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr: 04/04/1968 12:00:00 AM, Author: Terry Collins
Title: Face of Freedom: How the Photos of Frederick Douglass Celebrated Racial Equality, Author: Emma Carlson Berne