Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Documents: Air Force C-130J Super Hercules Transport Aircraft - Operations Procedures, Aircrew Evaluation Criteria, Aircrew Training Flying Operations, Author: Progressive Management
Title: The Chinese Air Force: Evolving Concepts, Roles, and Capabilities - Hypersonic Vehicle Technology, Aircraft, Reverse Engineering, Threat to Taiwan, PLAAF Air Force Leaders, Airpower, Author: Progressive Management
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Title: Seeing Off the Bear: Anglo-American Air Power Cooperation During the Cold War - Missiles, Ground-Launched Cruise Missiles, RAF Aircraft, Skybolt, Overflying the Soviet Union, Cuban Missile Crisis, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Documents: Air Force C-21 Cargo and Passenger Airlift Aircraft - Operations Procedures, Aircrew Evaluation Criteria, Aircrew Training Flying Operations, Author: Progressive Management
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Title: The Avro Vulcan: A History, Author: Peter G. Dancey
Title: Historical and Architectural Overview of Aircraft Hangars of the Reserves and National Guard Installations from World War I through the Cold War: History of Aviation in National Guard, Vietnam, Author: Progressive Management
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