Title: Phantom, Author: Phillip Warner
Title: MiGs Over Nevada, Author: TD Barnes
Title: Balloons of the Civil War, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: A Dangerous Business - The U.S. Navy and National Reconnaisance During the Cold War, Author: National Security Agency
Title: Luftwaffe Maritime Operation in World War II, Author: Air University Press
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Documents: Irregular Warfare - Air Force Policy Directive 10-42 - Counterterrorism, Unconventional Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, Counterinsurgency, Author: Progressive Management
Title: To Hell With The Paperwork: Deciphering the Culture of the Air Commandos - Carpetbaggers, 1st Air Commando Group, Post World War II through Vietnam, Cochran, John Alison, Heinie Aderholt, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Global Mobility: Anywhere, Anytime, Any Threat? Countering the MANPADS Challenge - Man-Portable Air Defense Systems Missile, Airfields, Countermeasures, Seekers, Warhead, MEDUSA, Lasers, Author: Progressive Management
Title: The Heroes' Wife, Author: Dora Griffin Bell
Title: Chronological History of the Air National Guard and its Antecedents, 1908: 2007 - From Pioneer Aviators in Biplanes to Responding to the 9/11 Terror Attacks, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Stuka Spearhead: The Lightning War from Poland to Dunkirk, 1939-1940, Author: Peter C. Smith
Title: The 31 Initiatives: A Study in Air Force - Army Cooperation - Air Defense, Rear Area Operations, Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, Special Forces, Joint Munitions Development, Combat Techniques, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Lincolnshire Air War, Author: Martin King Lear
Title: Air Force Doctrine Document 4-0: Combat Support - Red Horse Units, Readying the Force, Preparing the Battlespace, Agile Combat Support (ACS), Functional Specialties, Contingency Contracting, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Hypersonic Global Strike Feasibility and Options: Design Challenges, Propulsion, Fuel, Material, Plasma Interference and Weapons Employment, Current Programs, Weapons Integration, X-37B, AHW, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Transformation Dilemma: Air Force Special Operations Command and the Role in the Future of the Air Force and Special Operations - Simulators, CV-22, MC-130, MC-X, AFSOC Simulation Systems, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Wings of Hope: The U.S. Air Force and Humanitarian Airlift Operations - Berlin Airlift, Vietnam, Floods, Disasters, Africa, Provide Comfort for Iraqi Kurds, Bosnia, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Katrina, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Warden and the Air Corps Tactical School (ACTS): Deja Vu? The Enemy as a System and the Industrial Web Theory of Air Power Employment, Analysis of Contextual Factors, Instant Thunder Iraq Planning, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Strategic Air Warfare: An Interview with Generals Curtis E. LeMay, Leon W. Johnson, David A. Burchinal, and Jack J. Catton - World War II, Strategic Air Command SAC, Korean War, Southeast Asia, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Generations of Service: Uplifting Stories of Twenty-One Families Serving in the U.S. Air Force, Legacy Heritage of Airmen as Pilots, Maintainers, Security Forces, Logisticians, Lawyers, Author: Progressive Management

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