Title: The Court of the Last Tsar: Pomp, Power and Pageantry in the Reign of Nicholas II, Author: Greg King
Title: Russian Society and the Greek Revolution, Author: Theophilus Prousis
Title: Holy Fathers, Secular Sons: Clergy, Intelligentsia, and the Modern Self in Revolutionary Russia, Author: Laurie Manchester
Title: The Discovery of Chance: The Life and Thought of Alexander Herzen, Author: Aileen M. Kelly
Title: Religion and Culture in Early Modern Russia and Ukraine, Author: Samuel Baron
Title: Imperial Russia, 1700-1917: State, Society, Opposition, Author: Ezra Mendelsohn
Title: Ruling Peasants: Village and State in Late Imperial Russia, Author: Corinne Gaudin
Title: Spiritual Elders: Charisma and Tradition in Russian Orthodoxy, Author: Irina Paert
Title: In Her Hands: The Education of Jewish Girls in Tsarist Russia, Author: Eliyana R. Adler
Title: Russia in War and Revolution, 1914-1922: A Documentary History, Author: Hackett Publishing Company
Title: The Crimean War: A History, Author: Orlando Figes
Title: The Fate of the Romanovs, Author: Greg King
Title: Working the Rough Stone: Freemasonry and Society in Eighteenth-Century Russia, Author: Douglas Smith
Title: The Watchful State: Security Police and Opposition in Russia, 1906-1917, Author: Jonathan Daly
Title: Russian Peasants Go to Court: Legal Culture in the Countryside, 1905-1917, Author: Jane Burbank
Title: Heart-Pine Russia: Walking and Writing the Nineteenth-Century Forest, Author: Jane T. Costlow

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