Title: The VHDL Handbook / Edition 1, Author: David R. Coelho
Title: VHDL: Hardware Description and Design / Edition 1, Author: Roger Lipsett
Title: Interactive Multi-Objective Programming as a Framework for Computer-Aided Control System Design, Author: Wai-Yin Ng
Title: CAD Data Transfer for Solid Models, Author: E.G. Schlechtendahl
Title: Computer-Aided Sculpture, Author: J. P. Duncan
Title: VLSI Design for Manufacturing: Yield Enhancement / Edition 1, Author: Stephen W. Director
Title: Rechnergest�tzte Konstruktionsarbeit: Humane und wirtschaftliche Gestaltung von Organisation, Technik und Qualifikation, Author: Siegfried Schreuder
Title: Computation of Curves and Surfaces / Edition 1, Author: Wolfgang Dahmen
Title: Automatic Programming Applied to VLSI CAD Software: A Case Study / Edition 1, Author: Dorothy E. Setliff
Title: Principles of VLSI System Planning: A Framework for Conceptual Design / Edition 1, Author: Allen M. Dewey
Title: Introduction to Analog VLSI Design Automation / Edition 1, Author: Mohammed Ismail
Title: Hardware Design and Simulation in VAL/VHDL / Edition 1, Author: Larry M. Augustin
Title: Improving the Performance of Neutral File Data Transfers, Author: Raymond J. Goult
Title: High-Level VLSI Synthesis / Edition 1, Author: Raul Camposano
Title: Symbolic Analysis for Automated Design of Analog Integrated Circuits / Edition 1, Author: Georges Gielen
Title: Integrating Functional and Temporal Domains in Logic Design: The False Path Problem and Its Implications / Edition 1, Author: Patrick C. McGeer
Title: Optimization of Structural Systems and Industrial Applications: Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures 91. / Edition 1, Author: S. Robert Hernandez
Title: Applications of VHDL to Circuit Design / Edition 1, Author: Randolph E. Harr
Title: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Integrated Circuit Floorplanning, Author: Marwan A. Jabri
Title: Optimization of Cam Mechanisms / Edition 1, Author: J. Angeles

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