Surgical Recall
An ideal resource for learning on the go, Surgical Recall, 10th Edition, provides accurate, on-the-spot answers to the questions you’re most likely to encounter during rotations and on the shelf exam. Dr. Lorne H. Blackbourne and a team of student reviewers have updated this bestselling guide to include the latest advances in both general surgery and surgical subspecialities—all in a rapid-fire question-and-answer format that prepares you for success on exams and beyond.
Surgical Recall
An ideal resource for learning on the go, Surgical Recall, 10th Edition, provides accurate, on-the-spot answers to the questions you’re most likely to encounter during rotations and on the shelf exam. Dr. Lorne H. Blackbourne and a team of student reviewers have updated this bestselling guide to include the latest advances in both general surgery and surgical subspecialities—all in a rapid-fire question-and-answer format that prepares you for success on exams and beyond.
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Surgical Recall

Surgical Recall

by Lorne Blackbourne
Surgical Recall

Surgical Recall

by Lorne Blackbourne

Paperback(Tenth, North American Edition)

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An ideal resource for learning on the go, Surgical Recall, 10th Edition, provides accurate, on-the-spot answers to the questions you’re most likely to encounter during rotations and on the shelf exam. Dr. Lorne H. Blackbourne and a team of student reviewers have updated this bestselling guide to include the latest advances in both general surgery and surgical subspecialities—all in a rapid-fire question-and-answer format that prepares you for success on exams and beyond.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781975212483
Publisher: LWW
Publication date: 11/05/2024
Edition description: Tenth, North American Edition
Pages: 608
Sales rank: 947,035
Product dimensions: 5.00(w) x 8.00(h) x (d)

About the Author

Blackbourne, Lorne H., MD (Univ of Virginia); Minasi, John, MD (Univ of Virginia); Newburg, Douglas, PhD (Univ of Virginia); Tribble, Curtis G., MD (Univ of Virginia)

The contributors are or were all residents or medical students at the Univ of Virginia.

Table of Contents

Dedication v

Editors vi

Preface vii

Figure Credits viii

Pre- and Post-Book Test: Top 100 Clinical Microvignettes for the Shelf Exam xiv

Section I Overview 1

1 Introduction 1

2 Surgical Syndromes 8

3 Surgical Most Commons 10

4 Surgical Percentages 11

5 Surgical Instruments 12

6 Sutures and Stitches 20

7 Surgical Knot Tying 26

8 Procedures for the Surgical Ward and Clinic 31

9 Incisions 38

10 Surgical Positions 42

11 Surgical Speak 43

12 Preoperative 101 44

13 Surgical Operations You Should Know 45

14 Wounds 54

15 Drains and Tubes 55

16 Surgical Anatomy Pearls 64

Section II Background Surgical Information 67

17 Fluids and Electrolytes 67

18 Blood and Blood Products 79

19 Surgical Hemostasis 83

20 Common Surgical Medications 84

21 Complications 89

22 Common Causes of Ward Emergencies 101

23 Surgical Respiratory Care 103

24 Surgical Nutrition 105

25 Shock 107

26 Surgical Infection 111

27 Fever 118

28 Surgical Prophylaxis 119

29 Surgical Radiology 120

30 Anesthesia 125

31 Surgical Ulcers 128

32 Surgical Oncology 129

Section III General Surgery 131

33 GI Hormomes and Physiology 131

34 Acute Abdomen and Referred Pain 133

35 Hernias 137

36 Laparoscopy 147

37 Trauma 148

38 Burns 168

39 Upper GI Bleeding 174

40 Stomach 184

41 Bariatric Surgery 190

42 Ostomies 193

43 Small Intestine 195

44 Appendix 200

45 Carcinoid Tumors 205

46 Fistulas 209

47 Colon and Rectum 212

48 Anus 226

49 Lower GI Bleeding 234

50 Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis 237

51 Liver 241

52 Portal Hypertension 249

53 Biliary Tract 253

54 Pancreas 268

55 Breast 280

56 Endocrine 296

57 Thyroid Gland 312

58 Parathyroid 323

59 Spleen and Splenectomy 328

60 Surgically Correctable HTN 332

61 Soft Tissue Sarcomas and Lymphomas 332

62 Skin Lesions 334

63 Melanoma 336

64 Surgical Intensive Care 339

65 Vascular Surgery 352

Section IV Subspecialty Surgery 369

66 Pediatric Surgery 369

67 Plastic Surgery 405

68 Hand Surgery 409

69 Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery 416

70 Thoracic Surgery 439

71 Cardiovascular Surgery 457

72 Transplant Surgery 477

73 Orthopedic Surgery 491

74 Neurosurgery 515

75 Urology 531

Time-Dimensional Surgical Vignette Chess 547

Index 569

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