Off With His Head
When the pesky Anna Bunz arrives at Mardian to investigate the rare survival of folk-dancing still practised there, she quickly antagonizes the villagers. But Mrs Bunz is not the only source of friction - two of the other enthusiasts are also spoiling for a fight. When the sword dancers' traditional mock beheading of the Winter Solstice becomes horribly real, Superintendent Roderick Alleyn finds himself faced with a case of great complexity and of gruesome proportions...
Off With His Head
When the pesky Anna Bunz arrives at Mardian to investigate the rare survival of folk-dancing still practised there, she quickly antagonizes the villagers. But Mrs Bunz is not the only source of friction - two of the other enthusiasts are also spoiling for a fight. When the sword dancers' traditional mock beheading of the Winter Solstice becomes horribly real, Superintendent Roderick Alleyn finds himself faced with a case of great complexity and of gruesome proportions...
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Off With His Head

Off With His Head

by Ngaio Marsh

Narrated by ric jerrom

Unabridged — 9 hours, 5 minutes

Off With His Head

Off With His Head

by Ngaio Marsh

Narrated by ric jerrom

Unabridged — 9 hours, 5 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

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When the pesky Anna Bunz arrives at Mardian to investigate the rare survival of folk-dancing still practised there, she quickly antagonizes the villagers. But Mrs Bunz is not the only source of friction - two of the other enthusiasts are also spoiling for a fight. When the sword dancers' traditional mock beheading of the Winter Solstice becomes horribly real, Superintendent Roderick Alleyn finds himself faced with a case of great complexity and of gruesome proportions...

Product Details

BN ID: 2940159848062
Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group
Publication date: 10/01/2015
Series: Roderick Alleyn Series , #19
Edition description: Unabridged
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