Table of Contents
Chaos, Purity and Danger
What this book is about
Who this book is for
Structure of the book
Chapter One: Making the Strange Familiar, and the Familiar Strange
The anthropological roots of design anthropology
Tracing the threads
Anthropology and business
Anthropology: Its Achievements and Future
The way we were: The legacy of 1960s through the 1980s
Designs for an Anthropology of the Contemporary
Dialogue 1: Writing Culture
Dialogue 2: In the wake of Writing Culture: new projects
We will not regret the past nor wish to close the door on it
Dialogue 3: An anthropology of the Contemporary
Dialogue 4: Bridging the traditional, the modern, and the contemporary
Dialogue 5: Introducing the design studio
Dialogue 6: Adaptive strategies
Dialogue 7: Deparochializing anthropology
Anthropological relocations and the limits of design
Design: Anthropology’s future or problematic object?
Chapter Two: Roots in Design
Significance for anthropology
The Sciences of the Artificial: Rationality and the science of design
Herbert Simon in context
What implications for anthropology?
Understanding artifacts and systems: the dichotomy of inner and outer environments
the Emergence of Professional Design
politics of the artificial: Design at the end of the millennium
Unraveling the politics: a critique of the artificial
Challenges to scientific "truth": blurring the boundaries of natural and artificial
contemporary Critiques of design
The social turn: Design for the Other 90%
Is humanitarian design the new imperialism?
Branzi’s Dilemma: Design Consciousness in Contemporary Culture
21st Century design: An integrative discipline
The design education manifesto
Designing with, not designing for: the influence of participatory design
Ethnography in the field of design
the design education manifesto
Designing with, not designing for: the influence of Participatory design
Ethnography in the field of design
Chapter three: OPERATIONALIZING DESIGN ANTHROPOLOGY: How we know it when we see it
Disciplinary evolution: adaptive strategies
Disruptive change demands pluridisciplinary collaboration
Design anthropology: "Ethnographies of the Possible"
Events and situated practice
The significance of events and situations in anthropological practice
an Emerging set of principles
toward future-making: Vignettes of cultural production and change
Vignette 1: Design Anthropological Futures Conference
Design Anthropological Futures: Ethnographies of the Possible
Analysis and outcomes
Vignette 2: BarnRaise
Pre-event: registration and team assignments
Setting the stage: opening reception
The design workshop: a "future-in-the-making" event
Analysis and outcomes
Design anthropology: discipline, subject area, or research strategy?
Basic web search: Google Ngram
Google Scholar and ProQuest
Social Network analysis of Design anthropology Events and Contributors
Data Description
Social Network Analysis
Google Site search
Discussion of findings
Design Anthropology’s COINs and CoPs
Tracking the diffusion of innovation
Homophily and heterophily
Attributes of innovation
Chapter five: epilogue
Final thoughts
A field in its own right
Not to be confused with design ethnography
Technological challenges