Title: Reggae Anthology: Music Is the Rod, Artist: Garnett Silk
Title: Prison Oval Rock, Artist: Barrington Levy
Title: Police in Helicopter, Artist: John Holt
Title: Play Me Sweet and Nice, Artist: Marcia Griffiths
Title: Peacemaker, Artist: John Holt
Title: Out Deh!, Artist: Gregory Isaacs
Title: No Luck, Artist: Gregory Isaacs
Title: Night Nurse, Artist: Gregory Isaacs
Title: New Dance, Artist: Gregory Isaacs
Title: Mr. Isaacs, Artist: Gregory Isaacs
Title: More Gregory, Artist: Gregory Isaacs
Title: Money, Artist: Delroy Wilson
Title: Midnight Scorchers, Artist: Horace Andy
Title: Midnight Rocker, Artist: Horace Andy
Title: Memories by the Score, Artist: John Holt
Title: Maximum Respect, Artist: Gregory Isaacs
Title: Lover's Paradise, Artist: Dennis Brown
Title: Love Is So True, Artist: Dennis Brown
Title: Lonely Lover [1980], Artist: Gregory Isaacs
Title: In the Light, Artist: Horace Andy

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