Title: Transdimensional System, Artist: Pod Blotz
Title: F&M, Artist: Lindemann
Title: Rabies, Artist: Skinny Puppy
Title: The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste, Artist: Ministry
Title: Circle of Dust, Artist: Circle of Dust
Title: VIVISectVI, Artist: Skinny Puppy
Title: D.o.A.: The Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle, Artist: Throbbing Gristle
Title: Devour, Artist: Pharmakon
Title: Chance Versus Causality, Artist: Cabaret Voltaire
Title: Devour, Artist: Pharmakon
Title: Small Moon, Artist: Chris Carter
Title: Rendered Armor, Artist: Ritual Howls
Title: Perspektive, Artist: Ash Code
Title: Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse, Artist: Skinny Puppy
Title: Obsolete, Artist: Fear Factory
Title: The Third Helix, Artist: Drew McDowall
Title: The Third Helix, Artist: Drew McDowall
Title: The The Long Walk [Concrete Grey LP], Artist: Uniform
Title: The Long Walk, Artist: Uniform
Title: Bad Witch, Artist: Nine Inch Nails

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