Title: The Election of Grace: A Riddle without a Resolution?, Author: Stephen N. Williams
Title: The Doctrine of Good Works: Reclaiming a Neglected Protestant Teaching, Author: Thomas H. McCall
Title: The Body of the Cross: Holy Victims and the Invention of the Atonement, Author: Travis E. Ables
Title: The Baptism and Filling of the Holy Spirit, Author: Lance T Ketchum
Title: Suffering, not Power: Atonement in the Middle Ages, Author: Benjamin Wheaton
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Title: Salvation Outside the Church?: Tracing the History of the Catholic Response / Edition 1, Author: Francis A. Sullivan SJ
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Title: Salvation and Sin: Augustine, Langland, and Fourteenth-Century Theology, Author: David Aers
Title: Salvation and Globalization in the Early Jesuit Missions, Author: Luke Clossey
Title: Recovering the Scandal of the Cross: Atonement in New Testament and Contemporary Contexts, Author: Mark D. Baker
Title: Re-Imaging Election: Divine Election as Representing God to Others and Others to God, Author: Suzanne McDonald
Title: Prophetic Oracles of Salvation in the Old Testament / Edition 1, Author: Claus Westermann
Title: Predestination: The American Career of a Contentious Doctrine, Author: Peter J. Thuesen
Title: Predestination and Free Will: Four Views of Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom, Author: David Basinger
Title: Power For: Feminism and Christ's Self-Giving, Author: Anna Mercedes
Title: Pierced for Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution, Author: Steve Jeffery
Title: No Other Name: An Investigation into the Destiny of the Unevangelized, Author: John Sanderson
Title: No Condemnation: A Theology of Assurance of Salvation, Author: Eaton
Title: Mapping Atonement: The Doctrine of Reconciliation in Christian History and Theology, Author: William G. Witt

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