Title: Traveling South: Travel Narratives and the Construction of American Identity, Author: John D. Cox
Title: Arctic Spectacles: The Frozen North in Visual Culture, 1818-1875, Author: Russell Alan Potter
Title: Eating as I Go: Scenes from America and Abroad, Author: Doris Friedensohn
Title: Literature, Travel, and Colonial Writing in the English Renaissance 1545-1625, Author: Andrew Hadfield
Title: Roughing It / Edition 1, Author: Mark Twain
Title: Curiosity and the Aesthetics of Travel Writing, 1770-1840: `From an Antique Land', Author: Nigel Leask
Title: Christian Tourism to the Holy Land: Pilgrimage during Security Crisis / Edition 1, Author: Noga Collins-Kreiner
Title: Bibles and Baedekers: Tourism, Travel, Exile and God / Edition 1, Author: Michael Grimshaw
Title: Maps of Englishness: Writing Identity in the Culture of Colonialism, Author: Simon Gikandi
Title: Tarzan Was an Eco-tourist: ...and Other Tales in the Anthropology of Adventure / Edition 1, Author: Luis Vivanco
Title: Womens Travel Writing 1750-185 / Edition 1, Author: Caroline Franklin
Title: Womens Travel Writing 1750-1850: Volume 7 / Edition 1, Author: Caroline Franklin
Title: Womens Travel Writing 1750-1850 / Edition 1, Author: Caroline Franklin
Title: Visualizing Africa in Nineteenth-Century British Travel Accounts / Edition 1, Author: Leila Koivunen
Title: Perspectives on Travel Writing / Edition 1, Author: Glenn Hooper
Title: The Routledge Companion to Travel Writing / Edition 1, Author: Carl Thompson