Title: It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, Author: danah boyd
Title: Net Smart: How to Thrive Online, Author: Howard Rheingold
Title: On the Way to the Web: The Secret History of the Internet and Its Founders / Edition 1, Author: Michael Banks
Title: Postcolonial Politics, The Internet and Everyday Life: Pacific Traversals Online / Edition 1, Author: M.I. Franklin
Title: Social Media Abyss: Critical Internet Cultures and the Force of Negation / Edition 1, Author: Geert Lovink
Title: The Benefits and Security Risks of Web-Based Applications for Business: Trend Report, Author: Kathleen Kotwica PhD
Title: The Electronic Grapevine: Rumor, Reputation, and Reporting in the New On-line Environment / Edition 1, Author: Diane L. Borden
Title: The Language of Websites / Edition 1, Author: Mark Boardman
Title: The Language Revolution / Edition 1, Author: David Crystal
Title: The Online Copywriter's Handbook / Edition 2, Author: Robert W. Bly