Title: Calling All Superheroes: Supporting and Developing Superhero Play in the Early Years / Edition 1, Author: Tamsin Grimmer
Title: The Science of Superheroes / Edition 1, Author: Lois H. Gresh
Title: The Mythology of the Superhero, Author: Andrew R. Bahlmann
Title: Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero, Author: E. Paul Zehr
Title: The Language of Comics / Edition 1, Author: Mario Saraceni
Title: Black Women in Sequence: Re-inking Comics, Graphic Novels, and Anime, Author: Deborah Elizabeth Whaley
Title: Alternative Comics: An Emerging Literature, Author: Charles Hatfield
Title: The Art of the Comic Book: An Aesthetic History / Edition 1, Author: Robert C. Harvey
Title: The Language of Comics: Word and Image / Edition 1, Author: Robin Varnum
Title: Seal of Approval: The History of the Comics Code, Author: Amy Kiste Nyberg
Title: The Superhero Costume: Identity and Disguise in Fact and Fiction, Author: Barbara Brownie
Title: Portraying 9/11: Essays on Representations in Comics, Literature, Film and Theatre, Author: Véronique Bragard ,
Title: Of Comics and Men: A Cultural History of American Comic Books, Author: Jean-Paul Gabilliet
Title: The Blacker the Ink: Constructions of Black Identity in Comics and Sequential Art, Author: Frances Gateward
Title: How to Read Superhero Comics and Why, Author: Geoff Klock
Title: Manga: An Anthology of Global and Cultural Perspectives / Edition 1, Author: Toni Johnson-Woods
Title: Wonder Women: Feminisms and Superheroes / Edition 1, Author: Lillian Robinson
Title: Understanding Manga and Anime, Author: Robin E. Brenner
Title: Graphic Novels Beyond the Basics: Insights and Issues for Libraries, Author: Martha Cornog