Title: Consistent Ethic of Life: Joseph Cardinal Bernardin / Edition 1, Author: Thomas G. Fuechtmann
Title: Faithful Reason: Essays Catholic and Philosophical / Edition 1, Author: John Haldane
Title: God, Philosophy, Universities: A Selective History of the Catholic Philosophical Tradition, Author: Alasdair MacIntyre research professor of philosophy
Title: Persons: The Difference between `Someone' and `Something', Author: Robert Spaemann
Title: Philosophy Between Faith and Theology: Addresses to Catholic Intellectuals, Author: Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak
Title: Reasonable Faith / Edition 1, Author: John Haldane
Title: The Letter on Apologetics & History and Dogma / Edition 1, Author: Maurice Blondel
Title: The Sheed and Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy, Author: James C. Swindal
Title: The Sheed and Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy / Edition 1, Author: James C. Swindal