Title: Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference, Author: Cordelia Fine
Title: Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity / Edition 1, Author: Judith Butler
Title: Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex / Edition 1, Author: Judith Butler
Title: Equivocal Beings: Politics, Gender, and Sentimentality in the 1790s--Wollstonecraft, Radcliffe, Burney, Austen / Edition 2, Author: Claudia L. Johnson
Title: Female Aggression / Edition 1, Author: Helen Gavin
Title: Men in Groups / Edition 1, Author: Lionel Tiger
Title: The Gendered Society Reader / Edition 6, Author: Michael Kimmel
Title: Language and Woman's Place: Text and Commentaries / Edition 1, Author: Robin Tolmach Lakoff
Title: Thinking Critically about Research on Sex and Gender / Edition 3, Author: Paula J Caplan
Title: Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness / Edition 1, Author: Sander L. Gilman
Title: Gender and Emotion: Social Psychological Perspectives, Author: Agneta H. Fischer
Title: The Differences between the Sexes, Author: R. V. Short
Title: Gender Differences in Mathematics: An Integrative Psychological Approach, Author: Ann M. Gallagher
Title: Frogs and Snails and Feminist Tales: Preschool Children and Gender / Edition 2, Author: Bronwyn Davies
Title: Language, the Sexes and Society / Edition 1, Author: Philip M. Smith
Title: Psychology of Gender: Fifth Edition / Edition 5, Author: Vicki S. Helgeson
Title: Gender Inclusive Engineering Education / Edition 1, Author: Julie Mills
Title: Gender in the Secondary Curriculum: Balancing the Books / Edition 1, Author: Ann Clark
Title: Gendered Media: Women, Men, and Identity Politics, Author: Karen Ross
Title: The Gender Gap in College: Maximizing the Developmental Potential of Women and Men / Edition 1, Author: Linda J. Sax

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