Title: A Chorus Of Raspberries: British Film Comedy 1929-1939, Author: David Sutton
Title: A National Joke: Popular Comedy and English Cultural Identities / Edition 1, Author: Andy Medhurst
Title: Assault on Society: Satirical Literature to Film, Author: Donald W. McCaffrey
Title: Because I Tell a Joke or Two: Comedy, Politics and Social Difference / Edition 1, Author: Stephen Wagg
Title: Bound to Bond: Gender, Genre, and the Hollywood Romantic Comedy, Author: Mark Rubinfeld
Title: Comedy Incarnate: Buster Keaton, Physical Humor, and Bodily Coping / Edition 1, Author: Noël Carroll
Title: Divine Film Comedies: Biblical Narratives, Film Sub-Genres, and the Comic Spirit / Edition 1, Author: Terry Lindvall
Title: Hollywood Comedians, The Film Reader / Edition 1, Author: Frank Krutnik
Title: Laughing Screaming: Modern Hollywood Horror and Comedy, Author: William Paul
Title: Marianne and the Puritan: Transformation of the Couple in French and American Films, Author: David I. Grossvogel
Title: Parody as Film Genre: Never Give a Saga an Even Break, Author: Wes D. Gehring
Title: Popular Film and Television Comedy / Edition 1, Author: Frank Krutnik
Title: Romantic Comedy / Edition 1, Author: Claire Mortimer
Title: Romantic vs. Screwball Comedy: Charting the Difference / Edition 1, Author: Wes D. Gehring
Title: Screen Comedy and Online Audiences / Edition 1, Author: Inger-Lise Kalviknes Bore