Title: A Poverty of Imagination: Bootstrap Capitalism, Sequel to Welfare Reform, Author: David Stoesz
Title: Cost and Choice: An Inquiry in Economic Theory, Author: James M. Buchanan
Title: Everything for Sale: The Virtues and Limits of Markets / Edition 1, Author: Robert Kuttner
Title: Job Loss from Imports: Measuring the Costs, Author: Lori Kletzer
Title: Laid Off, Laid Low: Political and Economic Consequences of Employment Insecurity, Author: Katherine Newman
Title: Migrant Labor in China / Edition 1, Author: Pun Ngai
Title: Naming the System: Inequality and Work in the Global Economy, Author: Michael D. Yates
Title: Single World, Divided Nations?: International Trade and the OECD Labor Markets / Edition 1, Author: Robert Z. Lawrence
Title: The Welfare Marketplace: Privatization and Welfare Reform / Edition 1, Author: Mary Bryna Sanger
Title: Unemployment, Poverty, and Health in Interwar South Wales, Author: Steven Thompson