Title: Privacy, Author: Lauri S. Scherer
Title: Civil Liberties, Author: Lauri S. Friedman
Title: Should Governments Negotiate with Terrorists?, Author: Amanda Hiber
Title: Biological Weapons: Using Nature to Kill, Author: Anna Collins
Title: Domestic Terrorism, Author: Carla Mooney
Title: What Limits Should Be Placed on Presidential Powers?, Author: Tamara L. Roleff
Title: Domestic Surveillance, Author: Tamara Thompson
Title: How Should the U.S. Proceed in Iraq?, Author: William Dudley
Title: Biological Warfare, Author: Don Nardo
Title: Homeland Security, Author: Myra Immell
Title: What Motivates Suicide Bombers?, Author: Roman Espejo
Title: Biological and Chemical Weapons, Author: Amy Francis
Title: National Security, Author: David M. Haugen
Title: Cyber Mobs: Destructive Online Communities, Author: Allison Krumsiek
Title: Should the U.S. Close Its Borders?, Author: Louise I. Gerdes
Title: Can the War on Terrorism Be Won?, Author: David M. Haugen
Title: Life Under the Caliphate, Author: Chris Townsend
Title: The Persecution of Christians and Religious Minorities by ISIS, Author: Bridey Heing
Title: ISIS Hostages, Author: Chris Townsend
Title: The Violent Rise of ISIS, Author: Chris Townsend

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