Title: Telephone Tales, Author: Gianni Rodari
Title: Over the Ocean, Author: Taro Gomi
Title: The Wonderful Fluffy Little Squishy, Author: Beatrice Alemagna
Title: Coffee, Rabbit, Snowdrop, Lost, Author: Betina Birkjær
Title: You Can't Be Too Careful!, Author: Roger Mello
Title: Star of Fear, Star of Hope, Author: Jo Hoestlandt
Title: Sato the Rabbit, Author: Yuki Ainoya
Title: Henrietta and the Golden Eggs, Author: Hanna Johansen
Title: The Bathing Costume: Or the Worst Vacation of My Life, Author: Charlotte Moundlic
Title: In the Meadow of Fantasies, Author: Hadi Mohammadi
Title: As Time Went By, Author: Josï Sanabria
Title: My Father's Arms Are a Boat, Author: Stein Erik Lunde
Title: The Fox on the Swing, Author: Evelina Daciutè
Title: The Most Beautiful Story, Author: Brynjulf Jung Tjonn
Title: Jerome By Heart, Author: Olivier Tallec