Title: The Infatuations, Author: Javier Marías
Title: The Man of Feeling, Author: Javier Marías
Title: Don Quixote, Author: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Title: The Illogic of Kassel, Author: Enrique Vila-Matas
Title: A Brief History of Portable Literature, Author: Enrique Vila-Matas
Title: The Heart Has Its Reasons, Author: María Dueñas
Title: The Supernatural Enhancements, Author: Edgar Cantero
Title: Don Quixote of La Mancha, Author: Miguel de Cervantes
Title: War, So Much War, Author: Mercè Rodoreda
Title: The Boys, Author: Toni Sala
Title: On the Edge, Author: Rafael Chirbes
Title: Outlaws, Author: Javier Cercas
Title: His Only Son: With Doña Berta, Author: Leopoldo Alas
Title: Don Quixote, Author: Cervantes
Title: Such Small Hands, Author: Andrés Barba
Title: La Regenta, Author: Leopoldo Alas
Title: Scar, Author: Sara Mesa
Title: A Working Woman, Author: Elvira Navarro
Title: Uncertain Glory, Author: Joan Sales
Title: Thus Bad Begins, Author: Javier Marías

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