Title: White-collar Criminal: The Offender in Business and the Professions, Author: Renssalaer Lee
Title: Juvenile Delinquency, Crime and Social Marginalization: Social and Political Implications, Author: Miguel Basto Pereira
Title: Private Prisons in America: A Critical Race Perspective, Author: Michael A. Hallett
Title: Making the Peace: A 15-Session Violence Prevention Curriculum for Young People, Author: Paul Kivel
Title: Prisons, Author: Sylvia Engdahl
Title: School Violence / Edition 1, Author: Lucinda Almond
Title: Days of Respect: Organizing a School-Wide Violence Prevention Program, Author: Ralph J. Cantor
Title: Transforming Anger to Personal Power, Author: Susan Gingras Fitzell
Title: Gun Violence, Author: Noel Merino
Title: America's Prisons, Author: Jack Lasky
Title: School Safety, Author: Noah Berlatsky
Title: Crime and Criminals / Edition 1, Author: Christina Fisanick

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