Title: Two Badges: The Lives of Mona Ruiz, Author: Mona Ruiz
Title: The Sum of Our Days: A Memoir, Author: Isabel Allende
Title: The Book of Embraces, Author: Eduardo Galeano
Title: Self-Portrait of the Other: A Memoir, Author: Heberto Padilla
Title: Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number, Author: Jacobo Timerman
Title: Hoyt Street: An Autobiography, Author: Mary Helen Ponce
Title: Days and Nights of Love and War, Author: Eduardo Galeano
Title: Autonauts of the Cosmoroute: A Timeless Voyage from Paris to Marseilles, Author: Julio Cortázar
Title: Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo, Author: Oscar Zeta Acosta
Title: A Place to Stand: The Making of a Poet, Author: Jimmy Santiago Baca