Title: Jobs Around Town, Author: Shelly Buchanan
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Title: Earning Money, Author: Shelly Buchanan
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Title: Everything Money: A wealth of facts, photos, and fun! (National Geographic Kids Everything Series), Author: Kathy Furgang
Title: Milk to Ice Cream (Rookie Read-About Science: How Things Are Made), Author: Lisa M. Herrington
Title: Girls A to Z, Author: Eve Bunting
Title: Meet My Neighbor, the Photographer, Author: Marc Crabtree
Title: How Did That Get in My Lunchbox?: The Story of Food, Author: Chris Butterworth
Title: Escape the Rat Race: Learn How Money Works and Become a Rich Kid, Author: Robert T. Kiyosaki
Title: Let's Meet a Construction Worker, Author: Bridget Heos
Title: Let's Meet a Firefighter, Author: Gina Bellisario
Title: Doctors Help, Author: Dee Ready
Title: Let's Meet a Police Officer, Author: Gina Bellisario
Title: Let's Meet a Doctor, Author: Bridget Heos
Title: Let's Meet a Librarian, Author: Gina Bellisario
Title: Dentists Help, Author: Dee Ready
Title: Let's Meet a Dentist, Author: Bridget Heos

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