Title: Wicked Will, Artist: The Ettes
Title: This Love Is Real, Artist: Dan Melchior
Title: The Party's Over, Artist: Paranoids
Title: Runaway Bombshell, Artist: The Fondas
Title: Moonlight, Artist: Hanni el Khatib
Title: Intellectual Properties of the Minimal Mind, Artist: Hitchhikers
Title: I Will Change Your Mind, Artist: The Wrong Words
Title: Forever, Artist: Jack O'Fire
Title: Family, Artist: Hanni el Khatib
Title: Deep Cuts, Artist: Pujol
by Pujol
Title: Chulahoma: The Songs of Junior Kimbrough, Artist: The Black Keys
Title: Are Coming, Artist: The Willowz
Title: ...Off the Bone, Artist: Cramps