Title: Yuri Grigorovich: The Golden Age
Title: Dido and Aeneas
Title: My First Ballet Collection
Title: Stravinsky in Hollywood
Title: Our Last Tango
Director: German Kral
Title: The Audition
Director: Ina Weisse
Title: Bolshoi Ballet: The Pharoah's Daughter
Title: The Secret Theatre: A Christmas Special (Scottish Ballet)
Title: Tavener: Fall and Resurrection
Title: Own the Dance Floor, Vol. 2: Show Off and Impress
Title: Starstruck: Gene Kelly's Love Letter to Ballet (Scottish Ballet)
Title: Prokofiev: Cinderella - Zurcher Ballet
Title: The Kalioujny Class [Video]
Title: La Fresque
Title: Don't Forget the Motor City
Title: The The Gershwins' Porgy & Bess [Video]
Title: Le Corsaire (Wiener Staatsoper)
Title: The The Art of Ohad Naharin, Vol. 2: Sadeh21 [Video]
Title: Ludwig Minkus: La Bayad¿¿re [Video]
Title: A Concert for New York: Mahler - Symphony No. 2

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