Title: Who's Who in the Greek World, Author: John Hazel
Title: We Interrupt This Broadcast: The Events That Stopped Our Lives... From the Hindenburg Explosion to the Virginia Tech Shooting, Author: Joe Garner
Title: The Golden Age of the Newspaper, Author: George H. Douglas
Title: The Glasgow Media Group Reader, Vol. I: News Content, Langauge and Visuals, Author: John Eldridge
Title: Media Warfare: The Americanization of Language, Author: Melvin J. Lasky
Title: Media and American Courts: A Reference Handbook, Author: S. L. Alexander
Title: Junior High Journalism, Author: Homer Hall
Title: High School Journalism, Author: Homer L Hall
Title: Exporting Press Freedom, Author: Craig LaMay
Title: Encyclopedia of Media and Politics / Edition 1, Author: Todd Schaefer