Title: Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution: Hugo Chavez Talks to Marta Harnecker, Author: Hugo Chávez
Title: Democratic Institutional Design: The Powers and Incentives of Venezuelan Politicians and Interest Groups, Author: Brian F. Crisp
Title: Venezuela's Voice for Democracy: Conversations and Correspondence with Romulo Betancourt, Author: Robert J. Alexander
Title: Precarious Paths to Freedom: The United States, Venezuela, and the Latin American Cold War, Author: Aragorn Storm Miller
Title: Venezuela, Author: Elizabeth Gackstetter Nichols
Title: The Revolutionary Totalitarian Personality: Hitler, Mao, Castro, and Chávez, Author: Theodor Tudoroiu
Title: Hugo Ch�vez, Al� Primera and Venezuela: The Politics of Music in Latin America, Author: Hazel Marsh
Title: Andrés Bello: Scholarship and Nation-Building in Nineteenth-Century Latin America, Author: Ivan Jaksic
Title: Dictatorship and Politics: Intrigue, Betrayal, and Survival in Venezuela, 1908-1935, Author: Brian S. McBeth
Title: United States and Venezuela: Rethinking a Relationship / Edition 1, Author: Carlos A. Romero
Title: The Unraveling of Representative Democracy in Venezuela, Author: Jennifer L. McCoy
Title: Chavez's Children: Ideology, Education, and Society in Latin America, Author: Manuel Anselmi
Title: U.S.-Venezuela Relations since the 1990s: Coping with Midlevel Security Threats, Author: Javier Corrales
Title: Chavez's Children: Ideology, Education, and Society in Latin America, Author: Manuel Anselmi
Title: Conflict and Political Change in Venezuela, Author: Daniel H. Levine
Title: Electing Chavez: The Business of Anti-neoliberal Politics in Venezuela, Author: Leslie Gates
Title: Spectacular Modernity: Dictatorship, Space, and Visuality in Venezuela, 1948-1958, Author: Lisa Blackmore
Title: Christian Democracy in Venezuela, Author: Donald L. Herman
Title: Spectacular Modernity: Dictatorship, Space, and Visuality in Venezuela, 1948-1958, Author: Lisa Blackmore
Title: Free Trade and Social Conflict in Colombia, Peru and Venezuela: Confronting U.S. Capitalism, 2000-2016, Author: René De La Pedraja

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