Title: The Slave Trade: Black Lives and the Drive for Profit, Author: Elliott Smith
Title: Hidden Black History: From Juneteenth to Redlining, Author: Amanda Jackson Green
Title: Diversity and Entertainment: Black Lives in Media, Author: Amanda Jackson Green
Title: Vigilante Danger: A Threat to Black Lives, Author: Artika R. Tyner
Title: Black Voter Suppression: The Fight for the Right to Vote, Author: Artika R. Tyner
Title: Resistance to Slavery: From Escape to Everyday Rebellion, Author: Cicely Lewis
Title: Talking about Racism, Author: Annemarie McClain
Title: Changing Planet: What Is the Environmental Impact of Human Migration and Settlement?, Author: Sally Morgan
Title: Changing Cultural Landscapes: How Are People and Their Communities Affected by Migration and Settlement?, Author: Marina Cohen
Title: Migration in the 21st Century: How Will Globalization and Climate Change Affect Migration and Settlement?, Author: Paul Challen
Title: Hopes, Needs, Rights, and Laws: How Do Governments and Citizens Manage Migration and Settlement?, Author: Ceri Oeppen
Title: Pushes and Pulls: Why Do People Migrate?, Author: Robert Walker
Title: The Christmas Menorahs: How a Town Fought Hate, Author: Janice Cohn
Title: What Is the Model Minority Myth?, Author: Virginia Loh-Hagan
Title: Colonization of Hawai'i, Author: Virginia Loh-Hagan
Title: What Is the Forever Foreigner Stereotype?, Author: Virginia Loh-Hagan
Title: Angel Island Immigration Station, Author: Virginia Loh-Hagan
Title: Japanese American Incarceration, Author: Virginia Loh-Hagan
Title: Voting Rights, Author: Kevin P Winn
Title: Tulsa Race Riots and the Red Summer of 1919, Author: Kevin P Winn

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