Title: La cosecha de calabazas/Pumpkin Harvest, Author: Calvin Harris
Title: Carlos and the Squash Plant / Carlos y la planta de calabaza, Author: Jan Romero Stevens
Title: Los planetas/The Planets, Author: Martha E. H. Rustad
Title: My First Book of Italian Words, Author: Katy R. Kudela
Title: My First Book of Greek Words, Author: Katy R. Kudela
Title: Líos en la Nieve/Snow Trouble, Author: Melinda Melton Crow
Title: Tiranosaurio rex/Tyrannosaurus Rex, Author: Helen Frost
Title: My First Book of Vietnamese Words, Author: Katy R. Kudela
Title: Tableros de conteo/Tally Charts, Author: Vijaya Khisty Bodach
Title: My First Book of Mandarin Chinese Words, Author: Katy R. Kudela
Title: Líos en el Lodo/Mud Mess, Author: Melinda Melton Crow
Title: My First Book of German Words, Author: Katy R. Kudela