Title: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Hank the Cowdog Series #6), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: It's a Dog's Life (Hank the Cowdog Series #3), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: The Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog (Hank the Cowdog Series #1), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: The Case of the Haystack Kitties (Hank the Cowdog Series #30), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: The Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve (Hank the Cowdog Series #13), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: The Further Adventures of Hank the Cowdog (Hank the Cowdog Series #2), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: The Case of the Tender Cheeping Chickies (Hank the Cowdog Series #47), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: Faded Love (Hank the Cowdog Series #5), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: Drover's Secret Life (Hank the Cowdog Series #53), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: Lost in the Dark Unchanted Forest (Hank the Cowdog Series #11), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: Hank the Cowdog's Greatest Hits Vol. 3 & 4 (Hank the Cowdog Series), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: The Kitty Cheater (Hank the Cowdog Series), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: The Cookie Moon (Hank the Cowdog Series), Author: John R. Erickson
Title: The Watermelon Patch Mystery (Hank the Cowdog Series), Author: John R. Erickson