Title: Agent Darcy and Ninja Steve in...Tiger Trouble!, Author: Grant Goodman
Title: Battalion Banished (Defenders of the Overworld Series #2), Author: Nancy Osa
Title: Beasts of Tarzan, Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Title: Hunger: A Tale of Courage, Author: Donna Jo Napoli
Title: Jungle Tales of Tarzan, Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Title: Running Wild, Author: Lucy Jane Bledsoe
Title: Sam Steele's Adventures on Land and Sea, Author: L. Frank Baum
Title: Spawn Point Zero (Defenders of the Overworld Series #3), Author: Nancy Osa
Title: Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar, Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Title: The Battle of Zombie Hill (Defenders of the Overworld Series #1), Author: Nancy Osa
Title: The Day the World Stopped Turning, Author: Michael Morpurgo
Title: The Hero of Numbani (Overwatch Series #1), Author: Nicky Drayden