Title: The Brave Bat Who Faced His Halloween Fears, Author: Matilda Gale
Title: The Adventure of Being Proud of Who We Are, Author: Beatrice Monroe
Title: The Shy Ghost Who Found Courage in the Dark, Author: Delilah Snow
Title: Determination Is the Path to Success, Author: Lucy Miles
Title: The Day I Learned to Fly Without Fear, Author: Eleanor Sutton
Title: Frankie the Friendly Monster Who Helped His Friends, Author: Juniper Wren
Title: Trust Is the Foundation of All Great Adventures, Author: Harper Quinn
Title: The Little Witch Who Showed Kindness on Halloween, Author: Esme Finch
Title: The Polite Skeleton Who Shared His Pumpkin Pie, Author: Sienna Cove
Title: Jazmin & The Mystery of the Strawberry Cake, Author: Rocio Z Oubre
Title: Bravery Begins with a Kind Heart, Author: Tessa Bright
Title: The Generous Witch Who Shared Her Halloween, Author: Fiona Lark
Title: Self-Love Makes Every Day Shine Bright, Author: Molly Greer
Title: The Golden Bridge We Built with Love and Care, Author: Clara Whitmore
Title: The Lost Ship That Found a Place for Everyone, Author: Victoria Bennett
Title: The Treasure Map of Kindness and Brave Hearts, Author: Charlotte Hayes
Title: The Little Heroes Who Saved the World with Health, Author: Margaret Harper
Title: Brave Tommy and the Mystery of the Glowing Pumpkin, Author: Cleo Fable
Title: Understanding Others Brings Us Together, Author: Zoe Chapman
Title: The Rainbow That Helped Us Share Our Feelings, Author: Edith Palmer

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