Title: Palm Tree - Umuhimu wa Mtende, Author: Simon Ipoo
Title: The Little Chick and the Big Flock - Kifaranga Kidogo na Kundi Kubwa, Author: Michelle Wanasundera
Title: Anansi and Vulture - Anansi na Tai, Author: Ghanaian Folktale
Title: Bonny Makes Patterns with her Body - Penda Anaunda Miundo kwa Mwili Wake, Author: Michelle Wanasundera
Title: A Day At The River - Kutembelea Mtoni, Author: Michelle Wanasundera
Title: Joy and Sadness - Furaha na Huzuni, Author: Madhav Chavan
Title: No Pigs Allowed - Nguruwe hawaruhusiwi, Author: Basilio Gimo
Title: Let's Get Happy! - Tufurahi!, Author: Michelle Wanasundera
Title: The Honeyguide's Revenge - Kisasi cha Ndege Asali, Author: Zulu Folktale
Title: Mr Owl Learns To Relax - Bw. Bundi Anajifunza Kutulia, Author: Michelle Wanasundera
Title: Big Blue Bus - Basi kubwa la bluu, Author: Mecelin Kakoro
Title: Strong Like A Tree - Imara Kama Mti, Author: Michelle Wanasundera
Title: Tom the Banana Seller - Tom Muuza Ndizi, Author: Humphreys Odunga
Title: Rosie's Rat Race - Shindano la Mbio la Panya la Nuru, Author: Lara Cain Gray
Title: Nozibele and the Three Hairs - Nozibele na Nywele Tatu, Author: Tessa Welch
Title: Little Mouse and the Big Mice - Panya Mdogo na Panya Mkubwa, Author: Michelle Wanasundera
Title: The Knowledge Tree - Mti wa Maarifa, Author: Michelle Wanasundera
Title: The Kindness Game - Mchezo wa Ukarimu, Author: Michelle Wanasundera
Title: Donkey Child - Mtoto wa Punda, Author: Lindiwe Matshikiza
Title: Zama is Great - Zama ni Mkuu, Author: Michael Oguttu

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