Title: The Salt and Light Commentary Series, Author: Donald D. Davis
Title: Armored With Readiness, Author: Eric V. Cline
Title: The Inner Word in Gadamer's Hermeneutics, Author: John Arthos
Title: The Battle of The Sexes: It's Been Downhill Since The Garden, Author: H.R. Boaz
Title: The Essential Criteria of Dispensational Theology for the Professional and Layperson, Author: Pastor Theodore Pestor BTH
Title: Freedom to Choose, Author: James M. Howard
Title: Testing the Trinity: Reclaiming the Mystery of Father, Son, and Spirit, Author: Shawn Stamp
Title: As It Was In The Days of Noah: Foundational Studies in Bible Prophecy, Author: Dr. Phillip G. Richards
Title: A Beginner's Guide to the Rapture, Author: Greg Legge