Title: 1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI--the Untold Story, Author: Peter Lance
Title: 18 años de la guerra contra el terror (2001-2019) Luces y sombras de la más prolongada guerra en la historia de Estados Unidos, Author: Luis Alberto Villamarin Pulido
Title: 1976. La conspiración: 24 de marzo. Civiles y militares en el día que cambió la Argentina, Author: Juan B. Yofre
Title: 20 de diciembre de 1973: El día en que ETA puso en jaque al régimen franquista, Author: Antonio Rivera
Title: 2010 American Nuclear Posture Review: Nuclear Weapons Policy Changes by the Obama Administration, Nonproliferation and Terrorism, Sustaining the Nuclear Arsenal, Security Strategy, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2010 Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation: Federal Guidance for a Nuclear Bomb Attack on an American City, Effects, Fallout, Shelter, Medical Care, Decontamination, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 Al Qaeda and Affiliates: Historical Perspective, Global Presence, and Implications for U.S. Policy - Congressional Research Service Report, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 Complete Guide to IEDs: Improvised Explosive Devices: Enemy Tactics, Roadside Bombs, Counter-IED Targeting, Defeat the Device, Programs, Technologies, Afghanistan, Iraq, JIEDDO, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 Complete Guide to Libya: Muammar al Qadhafi (Colonel Gadhafi, Qaddafi, Gaddafi), Government, Politics, Military, Human Rights, History, Economy, Uprising - Authoritative Coverage, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 Complete Guide to Saudi Arabia: Oil and Energy, King Abdullah, Military, Human and Religious Rights, Islam, Mecca and Medina, History, Trade, Economy - Authoritative Coverage, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 Domestic Operational Law Handbook for Judge Advocates - WMD, CBRNE, Civil Disturbance, National Incident Management System (NIMS), Posse Comitatus, Special Events, Rules for Use of Forces, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 Essential Guide to the Muslim Brotherhood (Al-Ikhwan): Authoritative Information and Analysis - From Origins in Egypt to Role in Terrorism, Hamas, Jihad, Egyptian Islamic Radicalism and Uprising, Syria, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 Targeting U.S. Technologies: A Trend Analysis of Reporting from Defense Industry - DSS Protection of National Security Classified Information from Espionage, Sabotage, and Terrorism, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 U.S. Army Posture Statement: Summary of Army Roles, Missions, Accomplishments, Plans, and Programs - Basic Reference on the State of the Army, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Concepts and Programs: Comprehensive Guide to Weapons, Aviation, Command and Control, Ground and Combat Vehicles, Expeditionary and Maritime Support, Installations, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2011 Weapon Systems of the U.S. Army: Comprehensive Review of Major Army Acquisition Programs with Program Status, Contractor, Teaming Arrangements, and Critical Interdependencies, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2012 Complete Guide to Iran: Authoritative Coverage of Iranian Nuclear and Missile Programs, Sanctions and Threat of War, Regime, Military, Human Rights, Terrorism, History, Economy, Oil Industry, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2012 Essential Guide to United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) - SEALS, Army Rangers, Milestones, Aircraft, Weapons, UAS, Maritime Surface Platforms, Missions, Strategic Plan, Factbooks, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2013 Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office Review Book: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives, Bomb Squad, Forensic Investigation, Ordnance Disposal, Irregular Warfare, Author: Progressive Management

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