Title: 2012 Defense Acquisitions: Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs by the GAO - Army, Navy, Air Force Weapons Systems including UAS Programs, Missiles, Ships, F-35 JSF, Carriers, Space Fence, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2012 US Army Weapon Systems Handbook, Author: United States Government US Army
Title: 2016 Nuclear Matters Handbook: New Revised Edition, Authoritative Guide to American Atomic Weapons, History, Testing, Safety, Security, Delivery Systems, Physics and Bomb Designs, Terror Threats, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2018 Defense Science Board Task Force on Survivable Logistics - Joint Logistics Enterprise (JLEnt) Threats from Strategic Competitors Russia and China, Protecting and Modernizing the Mobility Triad, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2018 Report of the Electromagnetic Defense Task Force (EDTF) - New Evaluation of EMP Threat from Nuclear Weapons and Solar Storms, Urgently Needed Protection of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS), Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2019 Major American Weapon Systems Guide: Fiscal Year 2020 Program Acquisition Cost Book Covering Aircraft, Army Ground Vehicles, Missile Defense, Munitions and Missiles, Shipbuilding, Space Systems, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2019 Report Electromagnetic Defense Task Force (EDTF) 2.0 - EMP Threats, Enemy Microwaves or Lasers, Geomagnetic Disturbance (GMD), Quantum and 5G Technologies, Nuclear Power Plant Vulnerabilities, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century Essential Guide to Less-Lethal and Non-Lethal Weapons and Equipment: Military and Civilian Police Usage - Taser, Rubber Projectiles, Stun Devices, Riot Control, Primer on Employment, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century Essential Guide to the Military Equipment of North Korea: Illustrated Guide to North Korean Weapons including Artillery, Tanks, Airplanes, Armored Vehicles, Helicopters, Ships, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Army Ammunition Handbook: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Munitions Handlers - Field Manual 4-30.13 (FM 9-13) - Safety, NBC Support, Accident Plan, Fire Protection, Storage Procedures, Emergency Destruction, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Air Force Thunderbird Support Manual: Air Demonstration Squadron, F-16 Formation Flying, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Fires - Army Doctrine Reference Publication No. 3-09, Warfighting, Defensive and Offensive Tasks, Brigades (Professional Format Series), Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 1 - Ground Systems - Infantry Weapons, including Russian, Chinese, U.S., German, Marksman, Sniper Rifles, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 2 - Ground Systems - Infantry Vehicles, including Russian, Chinese, U.S., German, Airborne, Armored, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 3 - Ground Systems - Reconnaissance, including Russian, Chinese, U.S., Sensors, Radar, UAV, Night Vision, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 4 - Ground Systems - Tanks, including Russian, Chinese, U.S., Main Battle Tanks, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 5 - Ground Systems - Antitank and Anti-armor including Russian, Chinese, U.S., North Korean, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 6 - Ground Systems - Artillery, including Russian, Howitzers, Cannon, Sensor Fuzed Munitions, Mortars, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 7 - Ground Systems - Engineers, Mines, Command and Control, Information Warfare, Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 8 - Ground Systems - Logistics, Obscurants and Flame, Improvised Systems, Upgrades, Countermeasures, Author: Progressive Management

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