Title: Cessions of Land by Indian Tribes to the United States, Illustrated by Those in the State of Indiana (1881), Author: C.C. Royce
Title: Choice Cookery (1889), Author: Catherine Owen
Title: The Rough Riders, Author: Theodore Roosevelt
Title: Indian Boyhood, Author: Charles Eastman
Title: Frederick Douglass 1899, Author: Charles W. Chesnutt
Title: The Maya Chronicles (1882), Author: Daniel G. Brinton
Title: The Mountain Chant: a Navajo Ceremony (c. 1900), Author: Washington Matthews
Title: Armour's Monthly Cookbook, Oct. 1913, Author: anonymous
Title: Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Title: How to Cook Fish (c. 1900), Author: Olive Green
Title: Indian Story and Song from North America (1900), Author: Alice C. Fletcher
Title: Archaeological Investigations (1922), Author: Gerard Fowke
Title: Hiawatha and the Iroquois Confederation: a Study in Anthropology (1881), Author: Horatio Hale
Title: Good Things to Eat, as Suggested by Rufus, Author: Rufus Estes
Title: The American Frugal Housewife (1832), Author: Mrs. Child
Title: Notes on Certain Maya and Mexican Manuscripts, Author: Cyrus Thomas
Title: Seventy-Five Recipts for Pastry Cakes, and Sweetmeats (1832), Author: Miss Leslie
Title: The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (1903), Author: Lieutenant-Colonel Newnham-Davis
Title: Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties (1909), Author: Janet McKenzie Hill
Title: America I AM Black Facts: The Timelines of African American History, 1601-2008, Author: Quintard Taylor

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