Title: A Treasury of American-Jewish Folklore, Author: Steve Koppman
Title: In Praise of Baal Shem Tov (Shivhei Ha-Besht: the Earliest Collection of Legends About the Founder of Hasidism), Author: Dan Ben-Amos
Title: Jewish Tales of Reincarnation, Author: Yonasson Gershom
Title: Stories within Stories: From the Jewish Oral Tradition, Author: Peninnah Schram
Title: Storytelling and Spirituality in Judaism, Author: Yitzhak Buxbaum
Title: The Life and Teachings of Hillel, Author: Yitzhak Buxbaum
Title: The Sages Speak: Rabbinic Wisdom and Jewish Values, Author: William B. Silverman
Title: Why the Baal Shem Tov Laughed: Fifty-two Stories about Our Great Chasidic Rabbis, Author: Sterna Citron