Title: A Dragon for Hanukkah, Author: Sarah Mlynowski
Title: A Sweet Diwali, Author: Harshita Jerath
Title: Can You Laugh Like a Giraffe?, Author: Teresa Alimena Wood
Title: Chik Chak Shabbat, Author: Mara Rockliff
Title: Cookie and Teardrop Get Home, Author: Margie Guyton
Title: Eight Sweet Nights, A Festival of Lights: A Hanukkah Story, Author: Charlotte Offsay
Title: Eighteen Flowers for Grandma, Author: Alison Goldberg
Title: Friends of the Season, Author: Renae Gauthier
Title: Gingerbread Dreidels, Author: Jane Breskin Zalben
Title: God's Gift of Christmas: Celebrating the Wonder and Joy of Jesus's Grace, Author: Abigail Gehring
Title: Hanukkah Hippity-Hop, Author: Barbara Kimmel
Title: Hanukkah Pajamakkahs, Author: Dara Henry
Title: I Dream of Ganesha, Author: Sonali Zohra
Title: Little Dreidel Learns to Spin, Author: Rebecca Gardyn Levington
Title: One Small Spark: A Tikkun Olam Story, Author: Ruth Spiro
Title: Rachel Friedman and Eight Not-Perfect Nights of Hanukkah, Author: Sarah Kapit
Title: Sharing Shalom, Author: Danielle Sharkan
Title: The Deliverer Has Come: A Christmas Story, Author: Sarah Shin
Title: The Greatest, Author: Veera Hiranandani
Title: Wonderfully, Marvelously Brown, Author: Xochitl Dixon