Title: Five Nickels: True Story of the Desert Storm Heroics and Sacrifice of Air Force Captain Steve Phillis, Author: Jim
Title: U.S. Marines in the Global War on Terrorism: U.S. Marines in Iraq, 2003: Anthology and Annotated Bibliography - UAVs, Humint Exploitation Teams (HETs), Media Embeds, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Islamic State (IS) Encyclopedia: America's War Against ISIS / ISIL Terrorists in Iraq and Syria, Leader al-Baghdadi, Levant, al-Qaeda in Syria, Obama's al-Qaida Counterterrorism Policy, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Great American Generals: Colin Luther Powell - Early Years, Strategic Leadership, Willpower, Persian Gulf War, Political Foot Soldier, The Powell Doctrine, Life, Career, Awards, Saigon to Baghdad, Author: Progressive Management
Title: The Age of Jihad: Islamic State and the Great War for the Middle East, Author: Patrick Cockburn
Title: The Disappearing People: The Tragic Fate of Christians in the Middle East, Author: Stephen M. Rasche
Title: On Target: Organizing and Executing the Strategic Air Campaign Against Iraq, The USAF in the Persian Gulf War - Kuwait Crisis, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Offensive Air Campaign, Great Scud Hunt, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Countermobilization: Unconventional Social Warfare - Combating Violent Extremism in Iraq and Al-qaida, Mexico and Zapatistas, Israel and Hamas PLO, Counter-narrative and Framing Process, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Iraq Handbook: Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) - Observations, Insights, and Lessons, including Provincial Data and Guide to Provinces, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Blood Money: Wasted Billions, Lost Lives, and Corporate Greed in Iraq, Author: T. Christian Miller
Title: Loved Egyptian Night: The Meaning of the Arab Spring, Author: Hugh Roberts
Title: DEMOCRACY IS ALL SCREWED UP, Author: Mitchell C. Mans
Title: U.S. Marines in Iraq, 2004-2005: Into the Fray - U.S. Marines in the Global War on Terrorism, Al-Anbar, Al-Fallujah Battles, Protecting Self Rule and the Emerging Iraq, Chronology of Events, Author: Progressive Management
Title: After the Wars: International Lessons From the U.S. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Author: National Intelligence University
Title: Soldiers, Spies, and Statesmen: Egypt's Road to Revolt, Author: Hazem Kandil
Title: Bronco Strong: A Memoir of the Last Deployed Personnel Services Battalion, Author: Angela Odom
Title: U.S. Marines in the Global War on Terrorism: U.S. Marines in Iraq, 2003: Basrah, Baghdad and Beyond - First Stage of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Kinetic Phase of the War to Topple Saddam Hussein, Author: Progressive Management
Title: A Fist in the Hornet's Nest: On the Ground in Baghdad Before, During & After the War, Author: Richard Engel
Title: Defense Science Board Task Force Report: Force Protection in Urban and Unconventional Environments: Training Regime, Tactical Intelligence, Red Teaming, Role for Technology, SSTR Operations, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Peace Begins Here: Palestinians and Israelis Listening to Each Other, Author: Thich Nhat Hanh

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