Title: The Book of 2 Corinthians in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: The Book of the Acts of the Apostles in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: The Book of 1 Timothy in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: The Book of Philippians in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: The Book of 1 Corinthians in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: Books of the Bible Series - Zechariah in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: The Complete Old Testament in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: The 4 Books of the Gospel in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: The Book of Mark in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: Books of the Bible Series - Zephaniah in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: The Book of Matthew in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: Books of the Bible Series - Haggai in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: The Book of John in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: Books of the Bible Series - Malachi in Latin Vulgate, Author: jD P
Title: The Book of Luke in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: Books of the Bible Series - Ecclesiastes in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: Books of the Bible Series - Daniel in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: Books of the Bible Series - Amos in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: Books of the Bible Series - Isaiah in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P
Title: Books of the Bible Series - Micah in Latin Vulgate, Author: JD P

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