Title: When Children Grieve: For Adults to Help Children Deal with Death, Divorce, Pet Loss, Moving, and Other Losses, Author: John W. James
Title: Why Did You Die?: Activities to Help Children Cope with Grief and Loss, Author: Erika Leeuwenburgh LPC
Title: After a Parent's Suicide: Helping Children Heal, Author: Margo Requarth
Title: Guiding Your Child Through Grief, Author: James P. Emswiler
Title: Loss: Sadness And Depression, Author: John Bowlby
Title: When Your Child Loses A Loved One: A how-to guide for every parent, Author: Theresa M. Huntley
Title: Grieving Child, Author: Helen Fitzgerald
Title: A Parent's Guide to Raising Grieving Children: Rebuilding Your Family after the Death of a Loved One, Author: Phyllis R. Silverman
Title: Helping Children Grieve, revised edition: When Someone They Love Dies, Author: Theresa M. Huntley
Title: Finding the Words: Talking Children Through the Tough Times, Author: Rosaleen McElvaney
Title: Complicated Grieving and Bereavement: Understanding and Treating People Experiencing Loss, Author: Gerry Cox
Title: Without You - Children and Young People Growing Up with Loss and its Effects, Author: Tamar Granot
Title: Living With Grief: Children, Adolescents and Loss / Edition 1, Author: Kenneth J. Doka
Title: The Magical Thoughts of Grieving Children: Treating Children with Complicated Mourning and Advice for Parents, Author: James. A. Fogarty
Title: Shadows in the Sun: The Experiences of Sibling Bereavement in Childhood / Edition 1, Author: Betty Davies
Title: Talking with Children about Loss, Author: Maria Trozzi
Title: Loss, Change and Grief: An Educational Perspective, Author: Erica Brown
Title: Grief in Children: A Handbook for Adults Second Edition, Author: Atle Dyregrov
Title: Parenting Through Crisis: Helping Kids in Times of Loss, Grief, and Change, Author: Barbara Coloroso
Title: When Kids Are Grieving: Addressing Grief and Loss in School / Edition 1, Author: Donna M. Burns

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