Rudy Rucker (1946) is an American mathematician, computer scientist, and author. He is considered one of the founders of the cyberpunk movement and has been celebrated for both his science fiction and his books on mathematics and the universe. In 1982 he began his most famous series The Ware Tetralogy with Software followed by Wetware in 1988, both of which won Philp K. Dick Awards.

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Title: The Fourth Dimension: Toward a Geometry of Higher Reality, Author: Rudy Rucker
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Title: Juicy Ghosts, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: Master of Space and Time, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: The Secret of Life, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: Complete Stories, Volume One, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: The Outspoken and the Incendiary: Interviews with Radical Speculative Fiction Writers, Author: Terry Bisson Pre-Order Now
Title: The Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul: What Gnarly Computation Taught Me About Ultimate Reality, The Meaning of Life, And How to Be Happy, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: Notes for Million Mile Road Trip, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: The Hollow Earth & Return to the Hollow Earth, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: Transreal Cyberpunk, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: Mind Tools: The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: The Sex Sphere, Author: Rudy Rucker
Title: Collected Essays, Author: Rudy Rucker

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