Title: Writing Interiority: Crafting Irresistible Characters, Author: Mary Kole
Title: #HTSP - How to Self-Publish, Author: Eric Otis Simmons
Title: Write & Sell A Well-Seasoned Romance, Author: Stella Fosse
Title: Write and Grow Rich: Secrets of Successful Authors and Publishers, Author: Alinka Rutkowska
Title: The WriteR Stuff: Step-by-Step Guide to Self-publishing:, Author: Debra Blaine
Title: The WriteR Stuff: Step-by-Step Guide to Self-publishing, Author: Debra Blaine
Title: Write your Life Story in a Year: How to Write your Autobiography or Memoir, Author: M. V. Frankland
Title: Write a Collection of Short Stories in a Year: How to write short stories and get them published, Author: M. V. Frankland
Title: Write a Novel in a Year: How to write a book using the 'page every day' method, Author: M V Frankland
Title: The One Week Writing Workshop: 7 Days to Spark, Boost or Revive Your Novel, Author: Karin Adams
Title: 7 Pecados Literarios que no te permiten publicar tu primer libro: Descubre c�mo la pereza, la soberbia, la avaricia, te mantienen estancado en el proceso de escribir tu historia, Author: Yaniris Felipe
Title: Write a Collection of Poetry in a Year: Inspiration for your collection of poems, Author: M. V. Frankland