Title: Africa: Volume 1, Author: various
Explore Series
Title: The Organization of African Unity: An Analysis of Its Role / Edition 2, Author: Gino Naldi
Title: Party Politics and Decolonization: The Conservative Party and British Colonial Policy in Tropical Africa, 1951-1964, Author: Philip Murphy
Title: Ethiopian Revolution 1974-1991: From a Monarchical Autocracy to a Military Oligarchy / Edition 1, Author: Teferra Haile-Selassie
Title: Liberalization in the Developing World: Institutional and Economic Changes in Latin America, Africa and Asia / Edition 1, Author: Alex E. Fernandez Jilberto
Title: The Politics of Tradition: Continuity and Change in Northern Nigeria, 1946-1966, Author: C. Sylvester Whitaker Jr.
Title: Yakubu Gowon: Faith in United Nigeria / Edition 1, Author: John Clarke
Title: Imperialism, Race and Resistance: Africa and Britain, 1919-1945 / Edition 1, Author: Barbara Bush
Title: State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East / Edition 3, Author: Roger Owen
Title: In Pursuit of Science and Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa / Edition 1, Author: J. L. Enos
Title: The Dynamics of Japan's Relations with Africa: South Africa, Tanzania and Nigeria / Edition 1, Author: Kweku Ampiah
Title: The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Development Planning in Africa, Author: Meleckidzedeck Khayesi
Title: The Palgrave Handbook of Small Arms and Conflicts in Africa, Author: Usman A. Tar
Title: The Palgrave Handbook of Agricultural and Rural Development in Africa, Author: Evans S. Osabuohien
Title: The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Development Planning in Africa, Author: Meleckidzedeck Khayesi
Title: The Palgrave Handbook of Small Arms and Conflicts in Africa, Author: Usman A. Tar
Title: Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa: Development, Democracy, and Dictatorship / Edition 9, Author: Sean Yom
Title: From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: Behind and Beyond Lancaster House, Author: W.H. Morris-Jones
Title: African Development Prospects: A Policy Modelling Approach, Author: Dominick Salvatore
Title: Nkrumah and Ghana: The Dilemma of Post-Colonial Power / Edition 1, Author: Kofi Buenor Hadjor

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