Title: Una tierra prometida (A Promised Land), Author: Barack Obama
Title: Los sueños de mi padre: Una historia de raza y herencia (Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance), Author: Barack Obama
Title: Decisiones difíciles (Hard Choices), Author: Hillary Rodham Clinton
Title: Nuestra verdad / The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, Author: Kamala Harris
Title: Marxismo norteamericano (American Marxism Spanish Edition), Author: Mark R. Levin
Title: Mi Vida / My Life, Author: Bill Clinton
Title: La audacia de la esperanza: Reflexiones sobre cómo restaurar el sueño americano (The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream), Author: Barack Obama
Title: Asedio: Trump en el punto de mira / Siege: Trump Under Fire: Trump en el punto de mira, Author: Michael Wolff