Title: ¿Quién fue Benjamin Franklin?, Author: Dennis Brindell Fradin
Title: ¿Quién fue Abraham Lincoln?, Author: Janet B. Pascal
Title: Your Presidential Fantasy Dream Team, Author: Daniel O'Brien
Title: Young Abe Lincoln: The Frontier Days: 1809-1837, Author: Cheryl Harness
Title: You're a Grand Old Flag, Author: George M. Cohan
Title: You Can Count on Me!, Author: Joanne Mattern
Title: Woodrow Wilson (History Maker Bios Series), Author: Laura Hamilton Waxman
Title: William Jennings Bryan: Golden-Tongued Orator, Author: Robert A. Allen
Title: Who Was Thomas Jefferson?, Author: Dennis Brindell Fradin
Title: Who Was Ronald Reagan?, Author: Joyce Milton
Title: Who Was Paul Revere?, Author: Roberta Edwards
Title: Who Was John F. Kennedy?, Author: Yona Zeldis McDonough
Title: Who Was George Washington?, Author: Roberta Edwards
Title: Who Was Betsy Ross?, Author: James Buckley Jr
Title: Who Was Ben Franklin?, Author: Dennis Brindell Fradin
Title: Who Was Alexander Hamilton?, Author: Pam Pollack
Title: Who Was Abraham Lincoln?, Author: Janet B. Pascal
Title: Who HQ 3-Book Collection: Presidents, Author: Who HQ
Title: What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin?, Author: Jean Fritz
Title: What Presidents Are Made Of, Author: Hanoch Piven

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